Our Work

Save the Sound collaborated with the City of New Haven and the Urban Resources Initiative to design and build this bioswale, pictured during its second growing season in summer 2016, to help reduce the amount of stormwater runoff getting into the city's combined storm-sewer system. This bioswale has the potential to capture up to 300,000 gallons of stormwater annually. Source: Kendall Barbery
The way that we manage land has important consequences for the health of our watersheds. Watershed planning is a tool that allows us to take stock of conditions in a particular watershed, large or small, and determine how we can better manage our land (and reduce runoff!) to protect and restore our rivers and the waters of Long Island Sound.
Green infrastructure is a big part of the solution to reducing stormwater runoff and protecting and restoring the health of Long Island Sound and its tributaries.
Our green infrastructure work spans watersheds and includes recharging groundwater with residential rain gardens, reducing urban runoff and combined sewer overflows with rain gardens and bioswales, and restoring hydrologic connectivity with permeable pavements and other low-impact development measures.
We foster opportunities for citizens to learn about the environment and create hands-on opportunities that educate and empower citizens to become lasting stewards. We also work closely with environmental coalitions and municipalities who want to improve water quality, and help them to develop durable solutions to pollution from stormwater runoff.
Learn more about our watershed planning, green infrastructure and community outreach efforts.