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Our Work

Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure is an approach to managing rain water and stormwater runoff in a way that protects, restores, or mimics the natural water cycle. 


Green infrastructure combines natural and engineered systems (plants as well as pipes, soil, and stone) to slow down the flow of stormwater runoff, filter it, and, where possible, soak up water or infiltrate runoff back into the ground. It's a revolution in stormwater management that will be a big part of the solution to reducing runoff and protecting and restoring the health of Long Island Sound and its tributaries. 


Save the Sound collaborates with grassroots organizations and municipalities across Connecticut and eastern New York to help develop, design, and implement green infrastructure projects in high priority watersheds. Our projects range from small to large and include installing residential rain gardens to capture and infiltrate roof runoff for groundwater recharge in Southington and New Haven, CT, collaborating with city officials in coastal Connecticut to evaluate the feasibility of green infrastructure (read the Hazen & Sawyer report here), helping to design and build bioswales to reduce stormwater runoff and combined sewer overflows to urban rivers and the Sound, and partnering with Sunken Meadow State Park and numerous agency partners to restore floodplains and riparian buffers by removing unnecessary impervious surfaces and replacing pavement with enhanced green space. 


Follow the image links below to learn more about our green infrastructure projects in Connecticut and eastern New York.  

Downtown Bridgeport

Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport

West River Watershed, New Haven

Sunken Meadow State Park, Long Island

Quinnipiac River Watershed Aquifer Recharge Project

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